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How to use internal controls to prevent fraud, waste and abuse while improving auditability

How to use internal controls to prevent fraud, waste and abuse while improving auditability

Internal controls are processes designed to prevent or detect errors and mistakes, including those caused by fraud, waste and abuse. Internal ...
Formalizing your business’s BYOD policy

Formalizing your business’s BYOD policy

When the pandemic hit about two and a half years ago, thousands of employees suddenly found themselves working from home. In many cases, this ...
Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective

Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective

If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your ...
Is it time for your business to fully digitize its accounts receivable?

Is it time for your business to fully digitize its accounts receivable?

With electronic payments and in-app purchases becoming so much the norm, many midsize to large companies have grown accustomed to ...
How your nonprofit can break bad budget habits

How your nonprofit can break bad budget habits

Autumn is here and many not-for-profits are starting to think about their 2023 budgets. If your budget process is on autopilot, you might want ...
Is it time to review and refresh your nonprofit’s board?

Is it time to review and refresh your nonprofit’s board?

Perhaps your not-for-profit has lost a few board members in the turmoil of the past few years. Or maybe your current lineup simply isn’t meeting ...